
You can use docker,pip and source code to install Cooka.

Using pip

It requires Python3.6 or above, uses pip to install Cooka:

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools # (optional)
pip install cooka

then start cooka web server:

cooka server

Open browser visit site http://<your-ip>:8000 to use Cooka. If you want to integrate with jupyter notebook please refer to this guide.

Using Docker

You can also use Cooka through docker with command:

docker run -ti -p 8000:8000 -p 9001:9001 datacanvas/cooka:latest
# port 9001 is supervisor(which used to manage process) web ui, and the account/password is: user/123 
# port 8000 is cooka web ui

Open browser and visit site http://<your-ip>:8000 to use cooka.

If you want to integrate with jupyter notebook, please specify jupyter url running in the container:

docker run -ti -p 8000:8000 -p 9001:9001 -p 8888:8888 -e COOKA_NOTEBOOK_PORTAL=http://<your_ip>:8888 datacanvas/cooka:latest
# port 8888 is jupyter notebook

You can persist data in the host:

docker run -v /path/to/cooka-config-dir:/root/.config/cooka -v /path/to/cooka-data:/root/cooka -ti -p 8000:8000 -p 9001:9001 datacanvas/cooka:latest
# Config file is at: /root/.config/cooka/
# User data is at: /root/cooka

Using source code

Frontend developed by reactjs, therefore, we need to install node>=8.0.0 get it at and install yarn:

npm install yarn -g

Finally build frontend and install them all:

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
git clone

cd Cooka
python buildjs  # build frontend
python install